I have been on Spring break this week. I stayed home and was intending to work on some things around the house. Steve got called to a job in Monticello Iowa. He left on Monday morning and should be back this evening (Friday). So, I used his absence as an excuse to not do what I intended and instead, spent the week doing things I wanted to do. I worked on a quilting project with my friend Eunice. I went to lunch with my sister and a friend, Heather. I spent time with my friend Joanne and I had some Grandma time with one grandson, Charlie. I didn't get to see Kalub--but will make that up later when I take the rest of my vacation time.
Kalub with his Valentine monkey from Grandma and Grandpa S.
Charlie--ready to play.
Both Grandsons are growing and are so fun to be with. Kalub is almost sitting up on his own now and rolls around. He is all smiles for his Grandma and Grandpa. Charlie is a little guy on a mission--very busy! He wants to do things for himself. He likes being with his cousins, Emily and Kirsten. He likes Kalub most of the time too--unless Kalub has his Grandma's attention. But he gets over it quickly
Another photo of Kalub with monkey.
Emily and Kirsten are now 8 years old. Wow! They are getting so grown up. Both girls have their own personalities and interests. They also have a lot of energy. It is sometimes hard to keep up with it all. I am very busy!!
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