Have you seen, or heard, about dresses for little girls made from pillowcases? They are darling and I need help sewing some for a lady to take with her to Honduras on December 1, 2009.
If you know of anyone who would like to donate pillowcases--they don't have to be new, but should be in good condition--double-fold bias tape (it takes 2 yards per dress), ric-rack for trim, elastic (1/2-inch wide--12" per dress), I would like to hear from you. Donations can be sent to my home address. Email me (drgrandma@gmail.com) if you would like to make a donation and I will send you my address.
Here is the link about Pillowcase Dresses 4 Uganda. One of the churches mentioned is Community Church of Joy (Phoenix, AZ) where my brother and sister-in-law attend. Audrey e-mailed me to request help with sewing the dresses to send to Honduras. Of course I love to sew so I am happy to help. I am organizing a sewing night at my church's craft night to get some dresses ready to send. Here is a link for the pillowcase dress pattern.
My personal goal for this project is 100 dresses. Can you help? I need pillowcases!!! To reach this goal (I would like to have more than 100 dresses to send) I would need to sew 10-12 dresses per week--between now and Thanksgiving. It is possible to reach, and surpass, this goal. Help me spread the word, send me materials and of course prayers are always welcome.
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