Easter! It promises to be a beautiful week-end in Iowa. The sun is shining and it should get up to about 60 degrees today. We are still waiting for the baby to appear. Nikki is so ready--she is having a hard time playing the waiting game now that it is so close.
My excitement for the morning was a small fire on the stove. Nothing was damaged and it was easily extinguished--the reason for opening the windows even though it is only 44 degrees right now. I had put the water on to boil some eggs for Easter. I did not realize that there was something in the burner's drip pan. When I turned around there were flames. I took the pot off the burner and tried to use the lid of the pan to snuff it out, but that didn't work. So, I opened the cupboard and grabbed the salt shaker. I poured salt on it and that extinguished the flames. When the burner cools, I will clean up the smoke, etc. Steve is at work, so I am glad I don't have to tell him that he has to come and clean up a fire mess from our house. The dog and I were the only ones home and the dog was safe outside. The eggs are boiling now.
Charlie came over to visit. His mom and dad had some things to do, so Grandma got to have him for the rest of the day. We went to Great-Aunt Nancy's house to dye Easter eggs with the girls. He thought it was pretty fun!
Watch the slideshow of photos.
Kalub was not able to participate in the egg dying as he was in Minnesota with his mom and dad, visiting relatives there. Maybe next year....
I have discovered that there is something called "laminated" cotton fabric. I am now on a mission to find some. It would make great bibs, aprons, messy mats, tote bags, etc. I think it is kind of expensive, but what isn't now days! I have so many things to make--if only there was more time.
With Easter comes the promise of new life. Maybe today the newest little Fitzgerald will appear. Easter means hope!