Monday, January 28, 2008

January Musings

It has been almost a month since my last update. I was marveling at how fast December was upon us, and now January is almost over. Does time speed up as you age? The new year brought some very cold days and some snow. Today is an exception--51 degrees. It almost feels tropical.

Aunt Sarah and Kalub

My week-ends have been spent sorting, throwing, giving away, in short--attempting to de-clutter the house. And there is still so much to do. We are trying to claim back some space so that Sarah could move back home. She did come and help and was very insistent that we keep at it. She moved in this past week-end and is in the room that used to be occupied by her older sisters. We haven't had that much time with her yet--but I don't forsee any problems with her back at home.

Kalub is not quite 6 months yet. He is starting to roll over. He is a very happy boy--smiles all the time.

Grandma and Kalub

Daddy reading a story to Kalub

Here is another photo of Kalub. Grandma has been "playing around" in PhotoShop Elements to get this effect.

Current Project:
sock #2 using black yarn
Favorite Thing to do: take care of Charlie and Kalub
Other Ways I Spend My Time: Work, Teaching on Monday and Tuesday evenings